Proven Results
The Proven Results From The Slack-Méndez Law Firm
Client S.M. family
Injury: Back seat teenage passenger ejected from vehicle resulting in her death.
Case Facts: Teenager got a ride home with friends after school. Due to heavy traffic, Driver decided to go around major roadway and proceeded through a side street. As he sped down the side street, he came upon a speed hump, slammed on his brakes, lost control and struck a tree, where S.M., the backseat passenger, who was not wearing a seatbelt, was ejected and killed.
Complex Case: In fully investigating the case, we determined that not only was the driver at fault for speeding, but we discovered that the roadway was privately owned and the speed hump, placed on a curve, was an unreasonably dangerous condition, as presented by our out of state top-notch expert witness.
Results: Jury Trial verdict of $5,000,000.00 and found property owner 50% at fault and driver 50% at fault. No fault was attributed to S.M. for not wearing a seatbelt due to our persuasive legal arguments.
Appeal: Property owner was represented by an out of state law firm for the litigation and lost. Then they hired another law firm to file an appeal and lost again. This multi-million-dollar jury verdict allow the family some compensation due to this tragic accident.
Click here to view the Arizona Court of Appeals decision
Client A.M.
Injury: Severe injuries when struck by vehicle at crosswalk.
Case Facts: A.M. was struck while crossing on the designated crosswalk. The driver, who remained at the scene, was driving the posted speed limit – 25 miles per hour – and was not impaired. Driver only carried minimum insurance policy.
Results: Driver paid policy limits. Then case settled at mediation as follows: City paid $250,000.00, Asphalt Contractor paid $150,000.00, Pavement Marking company paid $50,000.00, and utility company paid an amount which is confidential.
Bottom Line: We go after every possible negligent party, where others would have stopped with the minimum insurance policy of the driver.
Client F.E.
Claim: Malicious Prosecution and Infliction of Emotional Distress.
Case Facts: Soon-to-be ex-wife and her boyfriend took out a restraining order and subsequently filed a police report claiming F.E. violated the order, resulting in F.E.’s arrest. We took this matter of the vindictive wife and boyfriend before a jury.
Result: Asked the jury for no less than $300,000.00. Jury awarded F.E. $125,000.00 for malicious prosecution, $200,000.00 for intentional infliction of emotional distress, $75,000.00 for aiding and abetting tortious conduct, plus $300,000.00 in punitive damages and $1,499 in fees, plus 10 percent interest.
Bottom Line: Although this is not an accident case, we have litigated many types of cases and in this case, we needed to put a stop to these vindictive individuals.
The Arizona lawyers at Slack-Méndez Law has experience with many types of cases. We have a high success rate and excellent reviews from our many satisfied clients. At Slack-Méndez Law, we handle your case and get you the compensation you need to recover and move on. If you were injured in Arizona, call 480-829-1166 or fill out the form at the bottom of this page to schedule an appointment.